1 August 2012

How many jobs will go to South Shields?

the Spirit of South Shields - about to be your local statue

From: Morales-Oyarce, Chloe
Sent: 23 July 2012 11:10
Subject: NSCSO Message - Monday 23 July 2012

Dear colleague

Service leads are beginning to conclude their dialogue with bidders. Bidders have submitted method statements for each of the services, together with their proposals for managing the initial transition, the transformation to an integrated solution, and Key Performance Indicators. All this information needs to demonstrate how they will meet the requirements of internal and external customers. Feedback on these documents will be provided to bidders this week, and staff across the council, who in the future will receive services from the new partner, are also having another opportunity to hear and feedback on each bidder's proposals. External customers i.e. the public, have not been consulted. It will be too late when they find out if something is not right. Those method statements are probably obtainable under FOI if anyone wants to see a particular one. 

Commercial dialogue continues and the core team is engaged in building up a partnership contract and schedules with each bidder. As the service solution is finalised and bidders understand the Council's commercial requirements they are able to further refine their financial offers and these are also being tested with the Council's finance team. The finances are not being tested with anyone outside of the council who could further test the figures. Council officers are not world renowned for the their commercial nowse.

At the same time NSCSO and DRS core teams are liaising to address the issues that will need to be resolved at the interface between the two contracts. Both partners will be required to sign up to an interface agreement, which has been drafted by legal and technical experts. This interface agreement is to stop both parties saying soemthign at the margin is the responsibility of the other party which wouldn't happen if all services stayed in-house. 

Communication from Bidders

As you know the bidders are working hard to provide their solutions to the Council in competitive dialogue, this work is intensifying and they only have until September for their submissions to be made in the form of detailed solutions. The Council wanted to provide a last opportunity for bidders to communicate their key messages to staff who are part of the in-scope community, this will be the last contact you have from bidders until the preferred supplier is selected following evaluation. Both bidders were keen to respond and attached are the documents provided from BT and Capita. You have already seen this vague blurb.

If you have any questions about NSCSO or topics you would like to be covered in these messages, please get in touch via onebarnet@barnet.gov.uk or by speaking to your staff group representative.

As usual, the list of upcoming staff workshops are listed below.

Best regards,

Kari Manovitch

Project Director, New Support and Customer Service Organisation project, Commercial Services

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