16 January 2022

PCNs - exercise of discretion - #30 Tower Hamlets


Tower Hamlets Council - Policy - Cancellation of PCNs by MisterMustard on Scribd

Mr Mustard forgot to mention Tower Hamlets when he wrote this series of blogs, he was waiting for their new policy to be produced and provided. In the meantime here is the existing policy which the council produced as soon as it was requested.

Discretion doesn't appear until page 5 but at least there is some and they are the reasons that you hear the most.

Mr Mustard doesn't agree with no. 5, that isn't mitigation. If there are no lines when you park and double yellow lines appear under your car whilst you are parked you have not committed a contravention. The council should know what lines they have painted when. Furthermore the daily traffic warden briefing should tell wardens of where lines are being painted that day so they can tread lightly in that area.

Policy no. 6 appears to be less generous to blue badge holders than to other permit holders which may be a breach of the Equality Act.

Policy no. 10 for multiple moving traffic contraventions is a reasonable approach.

The end (for now).

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