26 January 2022

Due adjustment: #10 Enfield Council

The parking manager at Enfield Council is always helpful & courteous to Mr Mustard but not, apparently, quite so helpful to the disabled who cannot write.

Mr Mustard is a bit confused by the response as the telephone number he has been furnished with appears to be a text phone and Mr Mustard wanted a number that people who cannot write (or text) can phone.

It is possible that the text phone also takes spoken calls? (Mr Mustard not knowing about them) perhaps you know of a disabled person who can't write and who has an Enfield PCN who could test it for Mr Mustard and report back.

It would be refreshing if lots of verbal representations are taken (Mr Mustard has deja vu and is going to be dreaming about such calls) but you must read carefully what is written to you. Mr Mustard regularly obtains an MOT for his car = he obtains one once per year.

Mr Mustard wonders how the disabled know about this number to phone given that it isn't printed on the PCN and he somehow doubts that the disabled person will be all over the website of Enfield Council.

Mr Mustard thinks the answer merits about 6 out of 10 given that the edict from London Councils is that the phone number should appear on PCNs. 


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