1 December 2012

FOI Club - meeting #3 on 3 December 2012

CPZs cause argument everywhere

Two months have passed since the inaugural FOI club.

The third one will take place at 7.30pm on Monday, 3 December 2012 at the White Lion P.H., St. Albans Rd, Barnet, EN5 4LA (This is a week early because of a second Monday clash with the Audit Committee which many FOI people like to go to)

Mr Mustard looks forward to seeing you there.

This meeting will take a slightly different form. As well as talk about FOI we are going to help some new friends from another part of London. They have voted last year 93% against a CPZ and received a promise that one won't be implemented against their wishes. Now they hear that a Cabinet member has unilaterally decided to impose one. Mr Mustard has already given them some FOI tips to winkle out what is going on and they also hope to attend the FOI club so we can share our campaigning experiences with them.

Yours frugally

Mr Mustard

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