16 December 2021

Waltham Forest - where they make up contraventions

Please watch this cctv clip and the car that turns left.

Could you see a contravention taking place? The motorist, Mr Y, didn't think so and was somewhat surprised to receive a PCN. One has to wonder if a person actually looked at the footage or if they simply clicked yes to every possible contravention clip that the computer selected.

Mr Y sent in very measured representations:

Dear Council,

I am challenging the PCN as there was no contravention of the regulations governing box junctions.

As I turned left onto Queens Rd (from Markhouse Road), my back wheels got stuck in the YBJ for a few seconds due to me giving way to initially pedestrians crossing the road that (I could not see before I took the left around the corner) and then an oncoming car that had slightly veered into my side of the road.

So I had to wait and then move.

Please kindly cancel the PCN.

Shockingly, or not depending on how many terrible rejections you have read, the council rejected the representations. They went on for three pages much of which was irrelevant boilerplate to cover all eventualities. At this point Mr Mustard took over and wrote the Grounds of Appeal to the tribunal, the place where a legally qualified and independent lawyer properly applies the law without fear or favour or any financial interest in the outcome.

Mr Mustard expects you have guessed what happened next. Waltham Forest Council decided (wisely) not to contest the Appeal at the independent tribunal but to cancel the PCN instead.

The worrying aspects of this case are:

1 - the fact that a PCN got issued in the first place.
2 - the fact that perfect representations were rejected
3 - the fact that 90% of the public would have paid up in ignorance of their rights and assumed the council must know what they are on about (they may do but choose instead to try to baffle you with bull$hit) or they may employ people who don't know what they are doing as there isn't any remedy against any council getting things totally wrong.
4 - It appears that Waltham Forest Council expect you to mow down pedestrians rather than stop safely (as advised in the Highway Code at a junction).

If in doubt, get expert help, for free. Mr Y found his on PePiPoo. Odd name but a great site for good free help.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. These officials are just pieces of dog-do, basically. Anything to get the money in. Surely they must be getting close to malfeasance, if not actually committing it ?


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