20 August 2024

The Redbridge Council runaround

Mr Mustard often makes Subject Access Requests on behalf of motorists when he doesn't have the full picture about a PCN, usually because the motorist started their own case and didn't keep copies of everything.

On 3 May he made such a request.

The documents provided were a passport and driving licence.

That was more than adequate proof of identity and address but Redbridge wanted to play silly buggers, a game in which Mr Mustard is a grandmaster.
The acknowledgment of 8 May demanded proof of ownership of the vehicle. In fact the motorist didn't own the vehicle, it is leased.

If the motorist had been the registered keeper (and the V5C states in big type that it isn't proof of ownership) then Redbridge Council already knew who the registered keeper was, as they asked DVLA before sending the Notice to Owner in the post ('owner' is described in the legislation as the keeper) so why ask for information they already have. As it happens, having sent a Notice to Owner to the lease company the council were given the name and address of the motorist in question so didn't need to see the lease either. Sometimes, for speed, Mr Mustard indulges silly buggers but on this occasion he had time to play with and replied the same day:

Jump forward to 21 May and more nonsense lands in Mr Mustard's inbox:

Mr Mustard fired off a response 11 minutes later:

23 May and more tosh arrives:

4 minutes this time for Mr Mustard to keep hammering away, using irrefutable logic:

Following further radio silence and rested from a week's cycling Mr Mustard decided to increase the pressure:

On 27 June without a hint of apology or a word of explanation the information originally requested on 3 May was received. It was late. Mr Mustard doesn't suppose Redbridge recorded it that way in their performance statistics.
What wasn't included, as lease companies don't routinely supply long leases, only the applicable dates, (Hire companies do supply short term hire agreements as the rules for transfer are different) was a copy of the lease agreement which Redbridge claimed, in their email of 21 May, to already hold. Liars.
The requested computer printout wasn't included either but it is too late to follow that up now. The PCN is still being fought and is the subject of an independent adjudication hearing next month.

The end.

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