4 August 2024

Load(ing) of baloney from Barnet Council

If loading on single or double yellow lines is prohibited then that will be indicated by single or double kerb stripes across the kerb and for part time single mark restrictions by a sign on a pole, viz:

Mr Mustard came across a tribunal decision concerning loading when he was idly looking through the public register the other day. It was for loading in Beverley Gardens on 29 February 2024. Probably here, or on the opposite side:

It is slightly surprising that loading isn't banned at a junction but is isn't so you can park your vehicle there and get on with unloading without, in theory being bothered by a 'traffic warden'. Theory and practice can be different. Here is the gist of the written decision 2240238199:

Barnet Council have twisted themselves in knots to refuse the representations. They have not banned loading and they don't appear to have disputed that loading was taking place but say you can't park on yellow lines to load or unload. Poppycock.

The council's traffic order says this:

and further on in the Order the time is limited to 40 minutes.

The Highway Code is a document the council love to quote from (although it is a mix of guidance and repitition of the law) and they should have taken heed of rule 247

but it was inconvenient so omitted?

There weren't any yellow markings on the kerb or upright signs so the motorist did nothing wrong and had evidence of his delivery by way of an invoice. Councils should not abuse their power by rejecting perfectly valid representations. If this happens to you, trust in the adjudication process and go to Appeal, adjudicators make impartial decisions.

It wouldn't be the money would it that causes councils to depart from the law & get things wrong in their own favour?

The end.

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