28 August 2024

Barnet Council profiting from protest

Mr Mustard thinks that his readers will be well aware of the protest outside the Phoenix Cinema on 23 May 24.

This led to the High Road being closed to southbound traffic (and probably the other way also as the crowd got bigger).

As vehicles couldn't get through, some turned right where they shouldn't. It isn't clear yet to Mr Mustard how they came to go that way, whether the police on foot directed vehicles that way or if some signs had been hurriedly erected. Barnet Council issued PCNs by post for contraventing the no right turn into East End Road.

The above image is a still taken from a short cctv clip in which 5 cars drove against the sign. You can see that buses are queued up waiting for the road to clear or other instructions from base.

Mr Mustard needs your help.

Do you have any photos or dashcam footage to show how vehicles were diverted, if they were as Barnet Council won't relent and cancel a PCN. Evidence is needed to show that the vehicles were exempt from the no right turn as they were if they were instructed by a policeman/woman in uniform or by diversion signs.

Please email them to mrmustard@zoho.com

Obviously common sense is that the PCNs aren't needed from a traffic management point of view as there is no danger from doing a right turn when there isn't any oncoming traffic but the council don't let common sense get in the way of raising a fortune.


The end.

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