4 August 2024

How can such an error be made? Haringey Council

Mr Mustard can't remember what prompted him In January 2024 to ask for data from Haringey but they are unlikely to be the only local authority getting this wrong.

What he asked them was:

In the circumstance that a registered keeper files an in time witness statement at the Traffic Enforcement Centre a revoking order follows and the council has the right to issue a fresh Notice to Owner.

These events are noted in the parking software as 'Revoking Order Received'.

For all Revoking Orders received from 1 April 23 onwards to date please provide me with a spreadsheet which lists for each relevant PCN the Revoking Order date of receipt and the date of issue of the fresh Notice to Owner.

My question relates only to parking PCNs and only to Revoking Orders issued because a Notice to owner was not received not for any of the other three reasons why a witness statement can be filed.

Haringey sent him the response in due time and in full. There were a few hundred such events and 10 of them stood out as they exceeded the legal limit of 28 days. The following are the PCN numbers in question.

Mr Mustard imagines that Haringey residents will have received most of these PCNs so do tell them to check if they have paid any of these and ask Haringey Council for their money back as the council have broken the law. A Notice to owner sent beyond the prescribed time limit is not a legal Notice to Owner and no penalty falls due as a consequence.

Councils must know when a department is running late and should have processes in place to either make sure the fresh Notices go out in time or the PCN is written off.

Councils in London, get your house in Order as after the year end on 31 March 2025 Mr Mustard is going to put his armchair audit hat on, check your actions and take steps to force refunds if you have illegal income in your books.

The end, for now.

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