13 August 2024

Non-existent rules in 'Haringey'


The story starts on 20 October 2023. Here are the words of the psv driver, who we will call Brian:

Generally Mr Mustard would rather be instructed from the off but in this case what Brian had written was perfect and a smart council would have cancelled the PCN there and then. However, this was Haringey who are not the best at PCNs. Their initial rejection letter contained some whoppers:

The first whopper:

The council carefully ignored the law.

The second whopper:

The offending words, as well as the terrible idea of starting a sentence with 'And' were:

'And you must stay with your vehicle'

Mr Mustard waited for the Notice to Owner to be issued and then took over. He wrote this as the formal representations:

This time, the second one of asking, the council decided it was wise to cancel the PCN and duly did so as they were well and truly speared by the law and their blatant lie in the earlier informal rejection.

What motorists should learn from this is twofold, that time spent studying parking rules is not wasted and persistence is key. Councils will reject any number of perfect informal challenges (those made when you initially get the PCN) and only think more carefully when the formal representations are made and thus there is the risk that if the council reject again the motorist will go to the independent tribunal and the council have to pay a c.£30 fee which they don't see again.

The end.

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