13 August 2024

Double jeopardy in Haringey


It sometimes surprises Mr Mustard how often he knows when something goes wrong, its as if processes go wrong all the time in PCN processing (spoiler alert, they do). As you can see from the above Haringey managed to issue a number of postal PCNs, which must have been for moving traffic contraventions (stopping in yellow boxes, banned turns etc), twice, two weeks apart. 
That must have confused some recipients.
Lease companies, some of whom, wrongly in Mr Mustard's opinion, just pay everything, will have tried to pay them twice and might have charged two administration fees which they can't really be blamed for, they have had to process two documents instead of one.
The enquiry Mr Mustard made was back in February 2024 and he is only just catching up with an excessive workload (both in his day job and PCNs) and giving you the public the information. Here is the response.

Mr Mustard was satisfied with the answers, except for 'k' as the written procedure was not supplied but as he didn't follow it up at the time he isn't inclined to do so now. He might ask to see various procedures another day. Clearly the existing process was inadequate.
The answer about overpayments at 'i' makes sense, as there was only one PCN per number in the database although Mr Mustard has seen credits within PCN databases before which may be overpayments. It is probably only by cheque that overpayment might occur.
Legal advice at 'l' is interesting. The question was probably as to whether the PCNs should be cancelled entirely. Mr Mustard should have asked if a letter was sent to all recipients of two PCNs explaining what had happened and for a copy of it. Certainly the second PCN was unlawful but did it render the first one unlawful? Mr Mustard is inclined to agree with the legal advice given but suspects that if any of these PCNs had reached an adjudicator some would have cancelled.
A pound to a penny, this will happen again one day in Haringey or to another authority which hasn't made its procedures bullet proof.

The end.

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