23 April 2020

Tower Hamlets - pandemic parking enforcement

Another council which has managed to get the FOI response out before the usual 20 days. Well done Tower Hamlets.

 More traffic wardens sick than in any other London council so far.

The contraventions which are not being enforced are for residents and pay bays, both on street and in car parks. You will not be ticketed for being parked outside of a bay or space but it is still good policy to not park that way.

The PPE may have been a response to the high sick rate.
Wiping down unique kit every day should prevent transmission of any bugs from one traffic warden to another (although Mr Mustard doesn't know the size of their base and thus whether they can social distance as they clock on and off).

Not ticketing for not paying will not cost the council much as there is hardly any traffic.

Yours frugally

Mr Mustard

Update from a local resident - 24 April

The Tower Hamlets CEO base is pretty cramped.

The CEOs are directly employed, so might be subject to a more paternalistic employment relationship than those with NSL, APCOA etc.

Yesterday I saw three CEOs walking line abreast with about 1-2 feet between them, so not particularly conscious of the need for social distancing.

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