24 April 2020

Barking & Dagenham - pandemic parking enforcement

Another borough which has managed to get the response out quite quickly.

Mr Mustard can't help but keep thinking that many councils are missing a trick in not redeploying staff to other duties that would be of more use in the current climate but if they outsource (no idea if B&D do or not) that takes time and negotiation.

A refreshingly clear answer, everything can still be enforced. Mr Mustard looked at the link, it is unclear.

A CPZ refers to the times of yellow lines usually being set by zone entry signs. Mr Mustard thinks that what the council mean is that you can park for 30 minutes in a residents bay without penalty rather than on a single yellow.

No gloves, no mask - forget the science, common sense would suggest these cannot do any harm.

Yours frugally

Mr Mustard

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