Barnet Council aren't ususual in being beastly to the public but the below decision is a useful illustration, in Mr Musatrd's opinion, of how councils refuse to cancel because they want the money. What other explanation can there be for refusing to cancel?
If you know Mr Amir Khan please say 'blue badge' to him in case his child qualifies.
The legislation which enabled councils to issue PCNs was written on the basis that councils would fairly exercise discretion. Thanks, in part to the increased use of outside contractors and the pressures on council budgets (no matter how much they deny that imperative) that is seen to happen less often.
One quick and simple solution might be to allow adjudicators to exercise discretion themselves rather than have them ask the council in question to be kind and for which there is no comeback if the council say no.
The end.
My view is that Teper is wrong. Surely the statutory grounds of "the penalty exceeded the relevant amount in the circumstances of the case". It is surely an abuse of powers for the council to pursue this case when it was their own useless systems that prevented payment.