14 March 2025

Why aren't pedestrian zone permits automatically issued to residents?


Hawkshead Road in Brent is a short one way road which probably doesn't see much traffic most of the time, due to its location. It is a one way road and because of the school a limited hours restriction on entering is in place.

To park you need a permit.

Here is what the entry now looks like.

Mr Mustard would probably have run an inadequate signage argument due to there being only the one sign, the foliage and the too late set back position but that probably wouldn't work for a resident who has passed it numerous times.

The reason Mr Mustard came across this restriction was because there was a council v council punch up at the tribunal and Mr Mustard always likes to see how good the council is at taking it considering how much they dish out. Not very good usually. Here is the decision.



Some adjudicators allow an Appeal when the resident has a parking permit because they might think that entitles them to drive home to access the relevant parking bay, not so in this case and that is a correct decision if one strictly applies the law, which is, of course, the task the adjudicator is charged with, to apply the law.

There is no doubt that the driver was entitled to a permit (he/she must use the same vehicle everyday, if they had pool vehicles this would be unworkable).

The obvious question (for other residents with their own registered cars rather than work vehicles) is why every resident in the affected road is not automatically issued with a pedestrian zone exemption permit for as long as they live in the road. After all, the council know who they are, where they live and their vehicle registration. They could easily issue pedestrian zone permits to known residents and prevent them from being penalised for not having a free permit to which they are absolutely entitled.

It wouldn't be the massive income stream would it? Perish the thought.

The end.

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