17 March 2025

Throwing a brick through your own window

Mr Mustard always looks closely at council v council PCN tribunal cases and doubly so if it is the same council taking itself to adjudication. One adjudicator takes the view that a council can't penalise itself and refuses to hear an Appeal.

In this case the council took itself to adjudication and then declined to continue.

Mr Mustard did a little digging and found this to be the location. A clear sign but which is little known, it means 'no vehicles' (as it helpfully says) so no cycles as well as no motor vehicles.

Brick Lane

Mr Mustard then took a cheeky look to see if there were any other live PCNs and found five for this vehicle which are all now settled.

The most shocking PCN is the first one, Tower Hamlets Council sent the debt for a Tower Hamlets Council PCN to a bailiff instructed by Tower Hamlets Council and then, given that the balance shows as negative £130 (it was probably £zero) the PCN was paid. Whether they paid the extra £75 for the first bailiff letter as well as £235 for a bailiff visit and whether or not a council vehicle was clamped isn't clear.

What a weird world we live in. Common sense is clearly out of stock in Tower Hamlets. 

The end.

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