16 March 2025

A rubbish PCN


Mr Mustard is an occasional visitor to play snooker in the Mildmay Club (well worth joining if you live nearby as it has lots more attractions than the green baize) and has done some PCNs at this location and is on 7 wins out of 7 at the tribunal.

A Hackney Council bin lorry fell foul of the restriction and didn't ask Mr Mustard for help despite being on the receiving end of his fire many times. They managed to win without him due to an adjudicator who took a pragmatic approach.

The problem with this retriction is that just after you pass Jolene Bakery (top notch bread sold there and at their other branches) instead of going straight on to reach The Duke of Wellington you have to drive west and take the next exit off the roundabout whereas you know you need to head south east. At the junction south east of The Alma you should then turn left onto the Balls Pond Road.

Here is the decision.


The problem with these weight limits is that you don't know how far away the other end of the weight limit is nor are diversions or suggested routes posted.

If you get caught here by Islington do email mrmustard@zoho.com for free help (you only need to donate to the North London Hospice).

The end.

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