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Would an NSL traffic warden give this car a parking ticket? |
Mr Mustard is a little behind on blogging as he is so busy sorting out multifarious PCN.
Mr Mustard likes a joke so here is one, maybe. Mr Mustard claims to be only average when it comes to challenging PCN but luckily NSL are so incompetent that he looks to be brilliant by comparison.
Last week Mr Mustard had the following NSL errors to sweep up after:
1. A Charge Certificate was sent to Mr Mustard in his real name instead of his client's name. That was an illegal demand for payment and a procedural impropriety (a blunder in common parlance)
2. The Evidence Pack sent to Mr Mustard and to his client both contained a Notice to Owner for another person who was unknown to them. The evidence pack sent to the adjudicator was probably the same. The PATAS hearing was wisely cancelled.
3. The ex-husband of the registered keeper was granted an Appeal at PATAS but that simply isn't possible as only the registered keeper is liable. Another PATAS hearing bit the dust.
4. A Charge Certificate for another client was put in Mr Mustard's name. That led to another PCN being cancelled.
5. The Notice to Owner contained defective amounts. £110 minus £nil is not £165.
6. A PCN was given for an expired permit for a permit that expires in January 2015. The owner of the car is worried that this will happen again.
7. A motorist entitled to 2 hours free parking with no action required on her part received her third PCN at the same spot. There is a bet on how many days it is until she gets her 4th PCN.
So there we have it, a week in which Mr Mustard noted down seven blunders by NSL. If they are the best service provider there is, as Mr Mustard supposes they must be as they won the tender, he would hate to see the results of the work of the worst one.
We are almost halfway through the 5 year contract. Mr Mustard fervently hopes that the penny has dropped to councillors that this is one service that really should be closely managed in-house.
Yours frugally
Mr Mustard
The service does not have to be managed in-house. It just has to be managed by people who know what they are doing, which clearly excludes NSL.