20 November 2024

The Fairway - again

Sometimes when Mr Mustard looks on the internet for information he finds he has himself put something relevant into the public domain. That was how it turned out when it comes to the keep clear yellow zig zag markings in The Fairway, the previous post being here.

This latest tribunal decision is equally devoid of any real world view by some faceless council bureaucrat:


A learner driver will make errors (although they didn't on this occasion) because they are a learner and at the start of their first lesson they will know nothing. Some leeway should logically and fairly be given to driving school cars.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. A typical money-grubbing PCN we see so often


I now moderate comments in the light of the Delfi case. Due to the current high incidence of spam I have had to turn word verification on.