16 November 2024

Decorum in Dacorum


The above is the standard acknowledgment to formal representations made in response to a parking Notice to Owner. A representation in which Mr Mustard picked a lot of holes in the Notice. That was on 17 February 2024.

Mr Mustard checked the balance on line most weeks and could see the PCN was stuck at £50, being a lower value PCN outside London. Suddenly, on 16 November, he heard from his client.

Above we have a page about how wrong the driver was.

The first two paragraphs are padding about a process which has been and gone. In paragraph three we get to the meat of the matter, Dacorum had, by doing nothing, cancelled the Notice to Owner and given their oversight they also cancelled the PCN (they couldn't really do anything else almost a year after the PCN was issued).

Having signally failed to do their own job the council then give the registered keeper a warning about their future conduct which is a bit rich in the circumstances. If Dacorum always take this long they are deemed to have cancelled. Mr Mustard was confident of winning on this technical grounds in any event.

One day humility may come to parking. A short letter saying the council failed to stick to the deadline and they are sorry for the delay would be much better received and enhance their reputation.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. It's the last line that is the most annoying...they say they will 'unable to cancel... in similar circumstances'...almost as if the law is optional for them the second time round!

    Absolute muppets.


I now moderate comments in the light of the Delfi case. Due to the current high incidence of spam I have had to turn word verification on.