9 November 2021

PCNs - exercise of discretion - #8 Croydon

 A modest number of policies but at least they have them and have provided them.

Mr Mustard is amused by the thought of 'bone fide' evidence, delivering dog treats? The policy does display some inbuilt 'you are guilty' thinking. If genuine loading/unloading was going on then no contravention occurred. Hard to think as if you are the motorist when you spend all day rejecting representations? but overall well done Croydon for at least having some policies, Barnet are terrified of letting me see theirs.

1 comment:

  1. Barent's policy is clear, even though not available. If you use the biblical mantra "by their deeds shall ye know them", their policy is obviously "99% of PCN recipients pay up, so refuse all challenges and representations because the only thing important for us is the money."


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