25 November 2021

PCNs - exercise of discretion - #2 Barnet


Thank you to the officer who sent this to Mr Mustard at 9.51 pm on the long stop day for responding. Surely a response could have been sent on day one or two. Allegedly, there is a policy, just that it would be dynamite in the hands of Mr Mustard and the public at large (except it would make very little difference as Mr Mustard rarely asks for discretion to be applied but hey ho and if he asks a manager directly, discretion is usually applied as the circumstances will have been pretty awful).

Hands up who thinks that Barnet Council are engaged in 'law enforcement'. The issue of parking tickets (PCNs) is a decriminalised regime. The definition does include some regulatory functions, such as the collection of taxes, but doesn't appear to Mr Mustard, at first blush, to include the processing of PCNs.

Now Mr Mustard is a bit concerned that he is only on post #2 out of 33. This will be a pretty dull series if you don't get to see a single policy document. Rest assured you will although even Mr Mustard doesn't yet know which post that will be as he is only looking at the detail of each authority as he reaches their place in the alphabet.



The results of the Review have arrived and here they are

(it is possible that it was Mr Mustard to whom the policy was previously received but he can't rememebr everything he has done in the last decade on parking and the comments below suggest it was AS.N.Other).

This is rather embarassing for the council, did they only refuse to answer because Mr Mustard is a blogger. He is trying to find out as requests are meant to be applicant blind.

Barnet PCN Cancellation Policy September 20 by MisterMustard on Scribd

The end, no. 2.


  1. This information has already been released on orders of the Freedom of Information Tribunal!

  2. How odd, the refusal that is (& I think I knew that)

  3. I think the difference is that the ICO said the standard rejection letter paragraphs had to be disclosed, whislt those stem from policies they aren't the actual policies.


I now moderate comments in the light of the Delfi case. Due to the current high incidence of spam I have had to turn word verification on.