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The Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP |
Eric Pickles acts to limit Town Hall chief's golden goodbyes
(Mr Mustard thinks that should be "chiefs' golden goodbyes" as it is referring to umliple pay-offs, not the payoff of one chief, but give that Uncle Eric is going to save us a packet at Barnet Council he isn't going to quibble for once)
A legal minefield that can pressure councils into handing out bumper
pay-offs to chief executives they want to dismiss is to be scrapped,
Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles announced today.
Slow and costly bureaucracy that requires councils to appoint
an independent person, usually a Queen's Counsel, to review dismissal
and disciplinary cases for Chief Executives is to be changed. The Isles
of Scilly Council has recently suspended its Chief Executive pending one
of these investigations.
Councils seeking to dismiss a chief executive for misconduct
or poor performance often pay out inflated lump sums to avoid the cost
of taking this bureaucratic route. Mr Pickles intends to remove this
expensive roadblock, which does not exist in other parts of Government
or the private sector.
Local Government estimate the review process can cost between
£100,000 and £250,000 in legal fees not counting independent
investigation costs and salary for the suspended officer. One case cost
£420,000 and took 16 months to adjudicate. Ministers believe decisions
by full Council ensure proper democratic accountability, without the
need for a centrally dictated process.
The post of Chief Executive is not set in statute, which
means there are no central barriers to remove the role. It only takes a
simple democratic decision by the council. Several councils have done
this in the past year. The statutory Head of Paid Service role can be
done by another senior officer.
Mr Pickles has also today written to the Local Government
Association to urge them to take steps to improve their performance
management of senior posts. Better management can make it easier to
tackle performance issues quicker.
Eric Pickles said:
"A Town Hall chief executive costs a lot of money, but if they are simply not up to the job, councillors must be able to get rid of them quick smart without having to throw away thousands in parachute pay-offs.
"It is ridiculous that councils feel forced to give bumper pay offs to dismiss inadequate chief executives simply to avoid these unnecessary golden goodbye reviews from expensive lawyers.
"A Town Hall chief executive costs a lot of money, but if they are simply not up to the job, councillors must be able to get rid of them quick smart without having to throw away thousands in parachute pay-offs.
"It is ridiculous that councils feel forced to give bumper pay offs to dismiss inadequate chief executives simply to avoid these unnecessary golden goodbye reviews from expensive lawyers.
"Scrapping this bizarre bureaucratic ritual will save taxpayers money and put the decision firmly back in democratically elected hands."
The Localism Act requires councils to publish their pay policies so that local remuneration arrangements - particularly for chief officers - are out in the open and provide value for money for local taxpayers. The associated guidance states councils should vote on pay deals over £100,000.
Mr Pickles announced he intends to toughen up the guidance
before councils publish their pay policies for next year. For example,
if smaller councils do not pay staff above £100,000 they should consider
setting a lower vote threshold. Ministers will reserve the right to
regulate should councils not act on it.
It also states that councils should also publicly justify any
big bonuses; above inflation pay rises; hiring staff already in receipt
of public sector retirement or severance money; and avoid any
perceptions of minimising tax payments.
With a public worried about the cost of living and all parts
of the public sector looking to make deficit savings, Ministers believe
these steps will show taxpayers that value for money is being fully
considered for top paid staff.
Notes to editors
1. The post of chief executive is not statutory. Councils are
not required to have a chief executive. The Local Government and
Housing Act 1989 allow regulations to require councils to adopt standing
orders relating to staff. The Local Authorities (Standing Orders)
(England) Regulations 2001 state that the full council must approve any
decision to dismiss the head of paid service. The regulations state that
"the authority must appoint a designated independent person" to
investigate proposals for disciplinary action against the Chief
Executive, Monitoring Officer or Chief Finance Officer because of
misconduct, disciplinary issues or poor performance and that "no steps…
are to be taken before a report is made" by that independent person" and
"a local authority must pay reasonable remuneration to a designated
independent person appointed by the authority and any costs incurred by
him in, or in connection with, the discharge of his functions under this
regulation." Ministers intend to amend the regulations so that all
references to the independent person process are removed. There will be a
consultation (no more than 4 week) before the changes are made in
2. Pay evidence: Recent analysis by the trade press
(external link - £) showed that salaries for newly appointed chief
executives between January and June 2012 were on average 11 per cent
less than before, which broadly reflects the trend since May 2010. 81
chief executives have moved post since July 2010. In addition Local Government Association figures
(external link - pdf) suggest that, in 2009, the combined pay bill for
chief officers and chief executives was £629.3m. An earlier 2008 survey
by Local Government Employers (external link) revealed that the Chief Executive pay bill was £50.4m. The Hutton Review of Fair Pay in the public sector
(external link) found top managers in local government had seen larger
increases in pay than the lowest paid in their workforces and the pay
ratios between local authority chief executives and the lowest paid in
local councils have grown in the last ten years. Around 800 local
government employees were in the top 1 per cent of all earners (earning
over £117,523).
3. The Government has already taken action on excessive pay practices. The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency in September 2011 requires councils to publish data on senior salaries and the structure of their workforce. This includes:
- senior employee salaries, names (with the option for individuals to refuse to consent for their name to be published), job descriptions, responsibilities, budgets and numbers of staff. 'Senior employee salaries' is defined as all salaries which are above £58,200 and above (irrespective of post), which is the Senior Civil Service minimum pay band. Budgets should include the overall salary cost of staff reporting to each senior employee;
- an organisational chart of the staff structure of the local authority including salary bands and details of currently vacant posts;
- the 'pay multiple' - the ratio between the highest paid salary and the median average salary of the whole of the authority's workforce;
4. An Audit Commission report, By Mutual Agreement
(external link) which looked into severance payments to council chief
executives in 2010 found that the designated independent person system
has placed local authorities, as the employer, at a great disadvantage
with the average length of time for investigation being one whole year.
It estimated a minimum legal cost to a council of £100,000, excluding
the cost of the investigation, preparing the case and briefing lawyers.
Salary costs for a suspended chief executive also have to be met by the
A man that can write 'umliple pay-offs' would be in no position to quibble anyway.