8 January 2025

On your bike Camden Council


Boy did this scooter cause some trouble. It looks like it was being used by a food delivery rider who was often reckless about their route.
The first Mr Mustard knew of it was when the lady in question, let us call her Carla, told Mr Mustard that she had 39 PCNs for a scooter she hadn't owned, that she didn't have a driving licence for a 2 wheeler and that she didn't want it to cause problems for her in her work as a police officer. Mr Mustard has known Carla for her entire life and so was easily able to advocate for her with parking management.
This wasn't a run of the mill case of cloning as the registration in use wasn't hers nor was it a case of malicious registration when someone borrows your personal details in order to wrongly register a vehicle. The truth was stranger still.
Firstly, it turned out that only 11 PCNs had been redirected to Carla but that still comes to £1,430 which is a bit of a worry. There was a brief but effective exchange of emails. Mr Mustard had set off on the wrong premise about numbers and his client had blindsided him by taking action without telling him (full disclosure is helpful). As Mr Mustard has changed the names to protect the innocent it is unlikely that there is only one Carla Smith in the country so the reader will have to use their imagination for this part of the story.
The first email to Camden quickly hit the target as Mr Mustard has a good relationship with one of their employees and so he is listened to and known to know what he is doing, plus Camden had right royally messed up so the sooner they admit to it and put it right the easier their ride will be.

What this told Mr Mustard was that Camden Council had plucked an address off another file for a different vehicle at a different address but for a similar name and thus decided they were one and the same. They just can't do that.

Now that the merry-go-round has stopped, the career of Carla is not on the line, and Mr Mustard knows what has happened he asks for compensation as he is pretty sure Camden have flouted various rules. As he thinks there are 39 PCNs he asks for £1,000 but that was a bit rich

Carla agrees to the £100, a good result for everyone. Clearly Camden now know they have been naughty and hopefully they won't make such a stupid error again. It was no surprise they didn't want Mr Mustard's help as he would be pointing out all of their other errors.

Mr Mustard left writing this blog for a year to see if other awful behaviour came out of the wood work but it hasn't. Camden Council must have improved their act.

The end.

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