5 January 2025

Chicken Run in Haringey


Mr Mustard reads random decisions of the independent adjudicators at London Tribunals. He didn't expect to find a Highways company in the register but there they were.


One wonders what Marlborough were thinking. The council has cctv, it clearly shows the vehicle stopped in the bus lane for >2 minutes and the driver and passenger do not reappear out of the Chick-King shop in that time. Why didn't Marlborough watch the cctv before starting their Appeal?

Had they done so they might have noticed that the cctv starts at 14:08 and so there isn't any evidence of them being in the bus lane at 14:07 (although they probably were) so had the council been put to proof by denying the alleged contravention, the council would probably have thrown in the towel.

Too late now. Too much fried chicken is bad for you and expensive. £130.

The end.

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