13 July 2012

London Councils - help wanted

lovely car

There is a prize ( a Mr Mustard t-shirt ) for the first person to tell him whose car this is and whether they have a legitimate reason to be in Carnarvon Rd, EN5 on 5 July at 3.20 in the afternoon. Mr Mustard knows 95%+ of his neighbours and thus their visitors. This is the second time he has seen this London Councils employee car in the street with the same post-it note visible. Mr Mustard notes how near he is to the shops of the Spires shopping centre (such as they are nowadays) and wonders if that was the real attraction. 

There is no concession as far as he is aware that London Councils vehicles are not ticketed. The problem comes that any appeal is ultimately heard by PATAS (Parking and Traffic Appeals Service) which is run by London Councils.

Yours frugally

Mr Mustard

1 comment:

  1. The badge displayed is a health emergency badge

    The health emergency badge (HEB) is for people involved in the delivery of primary healthcare attending medical emergencies in patients' homes.

    All London Boroughs have agreed to the scheme, although it is not a mandatory provision and it is offered entirely at the discretion of London parking authorities. The badge has no legal status.

    more info can be found on http://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/services/healthemergencybadge/default.htm

    The badge should be clearly displayed by hanging it on the rear view mirror. The address of the patient being visited must be shown.

    If the badge holder is visiting a house on the same street as the one you are parked in, the house number and/or building name alone will suffice.

    The address is crucial - without it, parking enforcement officers may assume that the badge holder is not on a visit to a patient and may issue a parking ticket.

    Also if the address is not shown it will be impossible to contact the badge holder in the event that the vehicle must be moved


I now moderate comments in the light of the Delfi case. Due to the current high incidence of spam I have had to turn word verification on.