27 October 2022

A little parking knowledge is a dangerous thing


This is the road in question Argyle Road. It is a road in which any encroachment at all onto the pavement is going to cause a problem for prams and pushchairs, wheelchair users, powered or pushed, the blind, parents with children in hand etc
The council have solved the perceived problem of a lack of space by letting motorists take up some of the space which the council has clearly decided, when the road was created, to be the province of pedestrians, the pavement. Perhaps the solution is to be brave and maintain that distinction, it isn't as if the pavement is excessively wide. If there were no parked cars there would be adequate room for pedestrians etc. The council could offer free dropped kerbs if the frontages were paved in line with sustainable drainage systems so flooding problems aren't created by lots of concrete. There are other solutions of course, like car clubs and bicycles. It is only 200m to Hounslow railway station, does everyone actually need their car? Since this road was constructed cars have got way bigger and become larger than the infrastructure can support.
All that apart, the general rule in Greater London is that you should stay off the pavement unless there are marked bays. This shouldn't be a surprise to a driver as it is in the Highway code, you know, that guide you haven't read since you passed your driving test.

You would think that a company which makes its money from penalising people for going wrong in car parks (allegedly) might know a little about the law when it comes to the public highway but apparently not. Mr Mustard reads all the tribunal decisions each morning and odd cases catch his eye, like this one:

Once Mr Mustard had stopped laughing at this company being on the receiving end (if you can't take it don't dish it out) he checked back and found two other cases for them, which went back a few years.

An example of arrogant entitlement. Not driving a bus, stay off the bus stop, simples.

The idea in life is to learn from your errors. Clearly a bit slow at PPS.


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