1 August 2022

How to waste time as a local government officer


Copyright: https://www.flickr.com/photos/timcaynes/148110505

Another expert, amazed that a council would issue itself with a Penalty Charge Notice and then fight it all the way to the tribunal, listed all the steps that were taken in that case. What a stupendous waste of everyone's time, moving money from one section of the council budget to another.

You can't quite believe that councils would fight each other in this way, proof by way of just three of quite a few examples follows. Now you know why they are so mean to you, it is inbuilt, they are beastly to themselves.

Emergency trip to an elderly faller; go the long way round or pay a penalty. Miserable and stupid, the adjudicator put an end to that.

Pragmatic and fast disposal of this Appeal.


Mr Mustard would rewrite this one as 'get out of my tribunal as I have real PCNs to decide upon'.


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