26 March 2012

Outsourcing partly outsourced; what sauce!

BT or Crapita are going to bring home the bacon.

From: Schroder, Johnathan On Behalf Of onebarnet
Sent: 16 March 2012 12:23
To: onebarnet
Subject: NSCSO message

Dear colleague

The project team and the leads of the services have been busy preparing for the second stage of dialogue, which begins on 29 March, and will end in the autumn. Our Commercial Lead John Newton (he is a consultant) has designed the process that we will go through to develop a contract with both BT and Capita, and how all the different stakeholders will be involved in the discussions and contract development. Meanwhile our project manager Alison Woodcraft is busy working out what this means in practise (*tut tut, see below) and creating a detailed plan. Service leads have been focussing on refreshing the output specifications and data about each service for the secure online data room which will open next week for BT and Capita to read through. Service leads have also been developing the key performance indicator targets that bidders will need to meet in order to get a portion of their monthly payment (the balance which will be the overwhelming bulk they will get no matter how hideous their performance is).

You will all have now received your invites to one of the four ‘meet the bidder’ days (two for each organisation), and the project team is delighted with how many people have already signed up to one of the sessions. Both bidding organisations have been keen to meet with you for months, and from your response so far it is clear that you are also looking forward to meeting your potential employers face to face. The bidders are not at all keen to tell you where the service will be run from and that if you don't like the new location you will be kissed goodbye (without the pleasurable feeling though).

If you have not yet signed up, please do so by emailing NSCSO@barnet.gov.uk. Email through to that same address if you have any questions for BT prior to the day, as they have asked for questions to be sent in by staff. Please email them to us by 22 March.

The Q&As arising from the service business case briefings have now been finalised and can be found here. You can also find the business case presentation on the intranet and an update on the project so far, which went out to all staff via First Team.

If you have any other questions about the project, please feel free to get in touch. Don't ask us the future work location as we won't answer.

Kind regards


Kari Manovitch

Service Lead, New Support and Customer Service Organisation project, Commercial Services

How hard is a consultant going to look for flaws in an outsourcing project when he himself is a consultant? The outsourcing has been outsourced. It's just plain wrong. What did Warren Buffet say once "Don't ask the barber if you need a haircut".

* Now just for Johnathan Schroder. You have muddled up "practise" the verb and "practice" which is used as a noun and a verb.

So please repeat "I am a practising Christian" and

"The idea of putting the OneBarnet theories into practice is completely bonkers and will lead to financial meltdown."

Mr Mustard hopes that these two phrases will prevent you from making this mistake in the future.

Yours frugally

Mr Mustard

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