24 September 2024

Rentals - councils suspicious of overseas renters

It stands to reason that some of the drivers who rent a car in the UK will be from a different land. Mr Mustard himself rented cars last year in Canada for work as of course he couldn't take his car with him.

Here is how it ended up at the PCN tribunal when Harrow Council (it could have been any enforcement authority) refused to accept a perfectly proper request for transfer:


The 2 month rule had never featured in any of Mr Mustard's cases but the council would not be any better off in enforcing even if they knew the address as the person would no longer be there by the time a bailiff was instructed (if the PCN was not paid) or if it was a hotel there would be nothing to distrain on.

The situation is the same if the car in question was registered overseas as that is outside the remit of the bailiff (an England & Wales court authorised bailiff can't even enforce in Scotland).

This case is symptomatic of the distrust with which the public is often viewed by council parking departments.

The end.

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