9 September 2024

Merton Council - making it up


The restriction probably starts at the junction meeting point, where the give way markings are. Thus Mr Mustard would probably have argued that the signs were not adequate due to placement. The motorist had his own ideas and picked up a sign point which Mr Mustard might have missed, the authorised vehicles point, but not the school term times which he is well aware is improper.

The adjudicator gave careful consideration to the Appeals, far more than Merton Council would have done, as the adjudicator is completely impartial and Merton Council were trying to stiff a motorist for £780

These decisions, as are the hearings, are public which is how Mr Mustard can bring them to you. He often looks at multiple penalty cases.


If the same flaws are in your case at a different location or in a different council area you can claim the support of these decisions but they are not precedents. Other adjudicators make up their own minds but may be persuaded by the view of another adjudicator.

Don't just pay PCNs, see if you can find something wrong, you will be amazed if you look hard enough how often councils get it wrong.

The end.

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