19 September 2024

Barnet Council 56 day error


Mr Mustard recognised the name Michael Strom and when he searched the register he found 13 Appeals of which Mr Strom had only lost one. Chapeau. It therefore didn't surprise Mr Mustard that Mr Strom knew the law better than Barnet Council do.

The council always manage to count 28 days when that leads to the next step they can take to move a PCN along but have not programmed their computer to prevent themselves from breaking the law. The law, for parking PCNs, says that a formal representation, one made in response to the Notice to Owner, is automatically cancelled if the council have not served a response within 56 days of the date of receipt of the representations.

The lack of an external overseer for PCNs is becoming more critical by the day. There is no sanction for this council failure although Mr Strom might be able to claim costs for vexatious or wholly unreasonable behaviour but the costs bar is a high hurdle as costs are rarely awarded by law.

The end.

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