8 September 2024

Redbridge - Cranbrook Road - PHVs not exempt on red route (black cabs are exempt)


The vast majority of Appeals by PHV drivers at this location have been accepted. They only occur of course once the motorist has made representations to Redbridge Council and been rejected, even though the council know that the small percentage of people who Appeal to the tribunal are likely to win. The council don't want anything to get in the way of revenue raising, certainly not fairness.

It is quite rare for red routes in London to be under the control of any authority apart from TfL. This has left PHV drivers in a difficult situation, they don't know when the passenger wants to be dropped on a red route whether or not they will receive a PCN for it.

If you are calling a minicab and are adjacent to a red route please help the driver by going 25m down a side road, where the red route has ended and calling from there.

The original Appeal was lost. It shouldn't have been as the Traffic Order was not in evidence and there doesn't need to be a consideration of exemptions until the enforcement authority has proved its case.

More Review requests are turned down than accepted for a hearing and more of the second hearings are lost than allowed but in this the Chief Adjudicator carried out the Review. He picked up the lack of reasoning and thus this request looks like it came under the 'Interests of Justice' ground.

Having asked Redbridge Council to produce the Traffic Order and not been sent it, it is no surprise that the PCN was cancelled accordingly by the Chief Adjudicator.

If you take a mini-cab in Redbridge please ask your driver to spread the word around his driving mates.

The end (although Cranbrook Road is likely to appear again in the blog).

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