25 April 2022

Brent Council - continuous ignorance

Back in June 21 Mr Mustard wrote a blog about Brent Council trying to obtain more than one penalty charge when only one was due. They are at it again and trying for the double whammy of penalising a party who was not the vehicle owner at the relevant time. An independent adjudicator stopped their cunning game.


One of the 4 listed dates is incorrect, it should be the 7th according to the data above the text but that isn't important. We know there were 4 PCNs.

The adjudicator hasn't bothered to mention it as she found Ms Parkinson wasn't liable, but only one PCN can be given out for parking on a double yellow. Should the car remain there for days it can be taken to the car pound.

It is a mystery as to why DVLA reported a future keeper as the keeper prior to purchase. Not a usual error from DVLA.

The adjudicator has gently rebuked Brent Council for not allowing time to respond and given that in law they are allowed 56 days i.e. 8 weeks, they could afford to allow 6 weeks for the matter to be clarified by the DVLA although in the event they didn't do so.

There was clearly bags of evidence about the purchase which couldn't all have been invented for the purpose of avoiding 4 PCNs.

Brent lost over £100 in tribunal fees and wasted the motorist's time.

The PCNs themselves can still be chased as against the true owner as the adjudicator did not cancel them, only the Notices to Owner. Mr Mustard expects though that Brent will have given up now.


1 comment:

  1. I bet this was a keying error at the DVLA - 25/10/21 being entered as 25/01/21


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