1 April 2022

Will Newham Council relent on this PCN?

Here is the road in which the offending car was parked, probably on a double yellow (Mr Mustard didn't act as representative so doesn't have any photos), but don't judge the driver on that sentence alone.

This road is a parking design nightmare with every man (or woman) for themself and no chance of anyone having a nice green frontage as if you do that there is simply nowhere you can park.

Here is the tribunal adjudication decision, the contravention did occur so the PCN had to be upheld. Towing was a step too far though. The adjudicator did the best he could within the law.

What a day Mr Syed Naqvi had, a 12 hour shift on Xmas Day and a return journey to Hastings. The parking department should be awarding him the freedom of the borough, not taking his car away.

Newham's bank holiday policy is too harsh.

Mr Mustard wondered what the parking department would do in response to the nudge from the Adjudicator, would they decide to keep the money that had to be paid before the car would be released from the pound or would they decide to refund it? Mr Mustard decided on a bit of nudging himself, he emailed the Mayor of Newham. If he gets a reply he will let you know.

If you happen to know Mr Syed Naqvi of Croombs Road in Newham do please thank him for his dedication.


1 comment:

  1. As well as thanking Mr Naqvi for his dedication, I hope the Hastings parking department are sent to Outer Darkness on the Last Day, or maybe something very warm lower down ! What wicked people they are.


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