9 December 2024

End of bus lane - a sign


The above is a stretch of bus lane just north of Deansbrook Road but facing south. It was the suject of an Appeal to an independent adjudicator at London Tribunals, not one of Mr Mustard's but he hopes if it had been he would have seen the signage error before the adjudicator who was bang on the money.


The penultimate paragraph is a cut and paste error. It should say 'a contravention did not occur'.
This is an interesting decision. The motorist believed the 'end of bus lane' sign and moved to the left. They were absolutely entitled to rely on the sign.
The council try and wiggle out of the mess they have got themselves in by writing some mumbo jumbo about bus stops but this adjudicator has vast experience and takes no nonsense, he applies the law.
Councils will sometimes write anything to get you to pay. If you think they are wrong forget about the discount and go to the independent tribunal where you will find an impartial solution.
Would a reader please tell us if the end of bus lane sign has been moved to the end of the bus lane as marked?

The end.

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