17 August 2024

Newham Council - an open letter to the Local Government Ombudsman

17 August 2024


Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
PO Box 4771


Dear Sirs

Decision 22 001 827


I refer to the above decision which dates from January 2023.

I help people to challenge PCNs. I am assisting a lady with PCN reference PN37240236 which was issued in November 2023 and in view of your decision I made the following enquiries of Newham Council.

to which the council duly responded


to which a self incriminating response was received.

It seems to be that Newham Council are treating the LGO with disdain and the public with contempt whilst simultaneously breaking the law.
By chance, I also came across four decisions of an independent adjudicator of London Tribunals on the subject of defaced signs in Newham, all for the same motorist, one is set out here:

which serve to show ongoing improper behaviour.

I'm not sure of the powers you hold to compel Newham Council to follow paragraph 28 of your decision. I thought I would bring this to your attention in case a nudge by yourselves to the council might bring about a desire to follow the law. If not, I could raise a complaint, with due authority, on behalf the lady who is still being chased for PCN PN37240236 for which the relevant sign looked like this:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

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