30 August 2024

Barnet Council issue 162 unlawful PCNs

 Here is the tribunal decision for no. 163


(Actually there aren't 162 unlawful PCNs as the ones issued to the motorcycle have, out of fairness, to be subtracted and Mr Mustard doesn't know how many that is but the number of unlawful PCNs must be over 80 and is probably over 100).

As the adjudicator observed the council should have stopped issuing unlawful PCNs and removed the vehicle to the pound. Mr Mustard suspects they didn't bother because they thought a broken down 20 year old van wouldn't sell for enough to cover their costs, which shouldn't be a traffic management consideration.

Mr Mustard recommends you don't leave your broken down vehicle in contravention for 6 months because the stress of 163 PCNs would be too much for most, it is the number that Mr Mustard deals with during 6 months although those are all different so slower to deal with. Far better to get some mates round, move the broken down vehicle by pushing it and then buying them a few beers.

162 PCNs at £130 each comes to £21,060 which is clearly excessive for one parking action. 

It appears that either Barnet Council hasn't got its parking contractor NSL under control or they colluded in this corporate stupidity.

The end.

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