14 April 2021

Enfield Council knock themselves out at the tribunal


Enfield residents will be rightly mystified by Enfield Council taking Enfield Council to task at the tribunal and not doing a very good job of proving the contravention against themelves and coming out both the victor (as the Appellant) and the loser (as the enforcement authority) having poured the £30 tribunal fee down the drain.

There is no exemption for such a vehicle, not, by inference as it would have been mentioned, being an ambulance, to ignore the 'no motor vehicles' restriction (although there is an exemption for the dustcart) which seems a pretty poor oversight by whoever designed this particular 'low traffic neighbourhood' (LTN) and whoever it was should read my immediately previous blog about Hammersmith & Fulham where they have exempted all the traffic which has a legitimate interest in entering a particular area without undue delay.

In Enfield's case the scheme they have designed leaves the elderly laying in distress on the floor for the time it takes to drive around the edge of the LTN, possibly an extra hour at rush hour, but every minute matters at such a time so even 5 minutes would be an extra 5 too many, unless the driver breaks motoring law, for which he/she might get a rollocking from their line manager.

Enfield Council - time to go back to the drawing board and allow sensible access to LTNs and stop fighting yourself.

Yours frugally

Mr Mustard

1 comment:

  1. What a load of muppets they are ! However this seems about par for councils these days, even though they pay their senior managers grotesquely large salaries for doing almost nothing that justifies them


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