14 August 2024

Waltham Forest 56 day error #2


The above is the grounds of Appeal to the tribunal. The act of parking is irrelevant given the council's own unlawful behaviour.
Although written after the earlier post and labelled as error no. 2 this 56 day error occurred before the other one. It does show a pattern of not being legally compliant.
Needless to say Waltham Forest didn't want to argue about their dirty linen at the tribunal.
Note the complete lack of any sort of apology for trying to get a motorist to pay a PCN at a time when it was legally no longer due.
The 56 day rule only applies to responding to representations made in response to a Notice to Owner for a parking contravention (or a postal PCN for a parking contravention). It does not apply to moving traffic or bus lane PCNs.

The end.

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