3 August 2024

Typical not typographical

Mr Mustard keeps an eye on the register of PCN Appeals decided at the tribunal. He looks at random cases. Case 2240242447 was not a Mr Mustard case and the written decision was as follows:

The explanation as to how this error came to be made is presented, it appears to Mr Mustard, as if it was a one-off error, a slip of the finger on the keyboard. When it comes to parking Barnet Council won't let you make a little error but their own don't bother them.

Odd that, as Mr Mustard knew he had seen the 'typo' before but not bothered to exploit it, as he didn't think it was a killer point on its own but for for that case, that adjudicator, that day, it was enough. 

Mr Mustard is pretty sure that the error is baked into the Notice of Rejection templte as here is a recent one he looked at:

By all means add this into your Appeal in case you get the same adjudicator or one who is prepared to follow the same argument.

The end.

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