27 August 2011

The Friday joke 26 August 2011

Q: In OneBarnet, how many Barnet Council Employees does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None, because there won't be any, but it will take a head of legal services to instruct a Lawyer to draw up the contract with the firm to change the light bulb, a senior vendor manager to manage the team of vendor managers, who manage the contract to change the light bulb, a team of accounts payable staff to process the invoice to change the light bulb and a team of senior executives to make sure all of this happens. Oh and there will be a whole team of consultants on £1,500 a day to design the "changing a light bulb process", not to mention the team managing the "changing the light bulb risk assessment" or the team managing the "change a light bulb call centre".

Oh yes then there's the team of senior managers overseeing the transfer of employment of the bloke who changes the light bulb for Barnet to the outsourced company, and the team of lawyers drawing up the contract to make sure he isn't shafted too badly.

Yes, I know, jokes are meant to be funny. Sorry.

Reproduced with the kind permission of the Barnet Eye

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